Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
The Brown Note (S3E19-E20)
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Join Ryan, Dylan, and Chelsea as they deep dive into the third season of the seminal TV show of their high school years, The OC. After all Seth has been through, how is he still such a jackass to his mom? Did Matt act unreasonably, or is he just working to preserve what was earned by him? Are Marissa and Volchok in a relationship, or are they just fun buddies? Why on earth would Ryan and Sadie think moving in together as jobless teenagers would be a good idea? After all Seth has been through, how is he still such a jackass to Summer?
Tune in for this and more as we go back in time to the height of Razr phones, ironic graphic tees, teeny tiny Louis Vuitton purses, and of course the DVD box sets that started it all. Welcome to the Podcast, bitch.
Reach us at cohenspod@gmail.com
Instagram @cohenspod
Find the gang:
Twitter at @Rayke, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Instagram at @rayked, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Leave us a review and mash that subscribe button. You know it’s what Sandy would do.
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Kissin‘ Cousin (S3E17-E18)
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Join Ryan, Dylan, and Chelsea as they deep dive into the third season of the seminal TV show of their high school years, The OC. What about Cousin drew Ryan to her so strongly? Is Marissa primarily sad about her breakup with Ryan, or does her turmoil mostly stem from losing Johnny? Why didn’t Volchok sell the Cartier watch? Does Volchok want to get back at Ryan or is he earnestly interested in Marissa? Is Sandy really not going to take any responsibility for the predicament that he put Matt in? Was Matt wrong to let Marissa stay at his apartment? Is he into Marissa too?
Tune in for this and more as we go back in time to the height of Razr phones, ironic graphic tees, teeny tiny Louis Vuitton purses, and of course the DVD box sets that started it all. Welcome to the Podcast, bitch.
Reach us at cohenspod@gmail.com
Instagram @cohenspod
Find the gang:
Twitter at @Rayke, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Instagram at @rayked, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Leave us a review and mash that subscribe button. You know it’s what Sandy would do.
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Sadie Harper Dance (S3E15-E16)
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Join Ryan, Dylan, and Chelsea as they deep dive into episodes of the seminal TV show of their high school years, The OC. We are now officially entering the Twilight era of The OC where none fewer than 3 smokin hot vampires grace us with their presence. Was the surfboard funeral thing an official ritual of surfers or just something the writers thought up? What about Sadie at the funeral drew Ryan to her so strongly? Did Ryan cross a line into cheating territory? Where has Julie hidden this fun and carefree part of herself all these years? Why is Matt so hesitant to go out with the future Mrs Mackenzie? Why is Volchok so gosh darn hot?
Tune in for this and more as we go back in time to the height of Razr phones, ironic graphic tees, teeny tiny Louis Vuitton purses, and of course the DVD box sets that started it all. Welcome to the Podcast, bitch.
Reach us at cohenspod@gmail.com
Instagram @cohenspod
Find the gang:
Twitter at @Rayke, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Instagram at @rayked, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Leave us a review and mash that subscribe button. You know it’s what Sandy would do.
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
I Wish You Would Step Back From That Ledge My Friend (S3E13-E14)
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Join Ryan, Dylan, and Chelsea as they deep dive into early episodes of the seminal TV show of their high school years, The OC. Were the Coopers Sound of Music purists, or did the other works of Rodgers & Hammerstein tickle their fancy? Was Caitlin interested in Johnny *at all* or was he merely a tool in her wicked games? Hypothetically, would Sandy be upset with Seth for experimenting with the devil’s lettuce or would he bond over the shared recreational hobby of his youth? How on earth did Johnny scale that cliff like a billy goat with a bottle of whiskey in his hand...and how was Ryan so easily able to run up the side of it?
Tune in for this and more as we go back in time to the height of Razr phones, ironic graphic tees, teeny tiny Louis Vuitton purses, and of course the DVD box sets that started it all. Welcome to the Podcast, bitch.
Reach us at cohenspod@gmail.com
Instagram @cohenspod
Find the gang:
Twitter at @Rayke, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Instagram at @rayked, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Leave us a review and mash that subscribe button. You know it’s what Sandy would do.
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Scary Maguire (S3E11-E12)
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Join Ryan, Dylan, and Chelsea as they deep dive into early episodes of the seminal TV show of their high school years, The OC. How many times are we going to be put through the emotional roller coaster of whether Johnny’s leg is broken or not? Was this campaign what piqued Summer’s interest in activism? Is Taylor’s mom delusional or just really really mean? How many years did they have to “age” Kaitlin for this storyline to work? How did all the boy band looking frat boys know where the Cohens lived?
Tune in for this and more as we go back in time to the height of Razr phones, ironic graphic tees, teeny tiny Louis Vuitton purses, and of course the DVD box sets that started it all. Welcome to the Podcast, bitch.
Reach us at cohenspod@gmail.com
Instagram @cohenspod
Find the gang:
Twitter at @Rayke, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Instagram at @rayked, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Leave us a review and mash that subscribe button. You know it’s what Sandy would do.
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Harper‘s Bizarre (S3E9-E10)
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Join Ryan, Dylan, and Chelsea as they deep dive into early episodes of the seminal TV show of their high school years, The OC. How much more apparent does Johnny need to make it to Marissa that he’s super into her before she catches wind? Did Julie and Kirsten just discover a sustainable new business model? Is Ryan...actually drinking milk in a strip club? Is the Barmitzvukkah a little appropriation-y, or a lot? And geez why is Johnny still such a snore?
Tune in for this and more as we go back in time to the height of Razr phones, ironic graphic tees, teeny tiny Louis Vuitton purses, and of course the DVD box sets that started it all. Welcome to the Podcast, bitch.
Reach us at cohenspod@gmail.com
Instagram @cohenspod
Find the gang:
Twitter at @Rayke, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Instagram at @rayked, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Leave us a review and mash that subscribe button. You know it’s what Sandy would do.
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Tinker Taylor Yakuza Spy (S3E7-E8)
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Join Ryan, Dylan, and Chelsea as they deep dive into early episodes of the seminal TV show of their high school years, The OC. Ryan and Johnny are seeming now best bros and working as a team to rescue Marissa from Volchek who quite literally kidnaps her. Why didn’t it occur to any of them to call the police, or at least call Sandy? Speaking of Sandy, his new Big Luke Energy business partner Matt gets trigger happy with firing, Julie tells Charlotte to go to hell in the most satisfying of ways, and Taylor continues doing what we love her for best (meddle only for it to be foiled by humiliation). The following episode is equally as fraught--who is Gus, and what drives him as a character? What even is the action sequence that led to Johnny’s accident? How will Seth and Summer get over their opposite tastes in higher education?
Tune in for this and more as we go back in time to the height of Razr phones, ironic graphic tees, teeny tiny Louis Vuitton purses, and of course the DVD box sets that started it all. Welcome to the Podcast, bitch.
Reach us at cohenspod@gmail.com
Instagram @cohenspod
Find the gang:
Twitter at @Rayke, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Instagram at @rayked, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Leave us a review and mash that subscribe button. You know it’s what Sandy would do.
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Go Go Gidget (S3E5-E6)
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Join Ryan, Dylan, and Chelsea as they deep dive into early episodes of the seminal TV show of their high school years, The OC. Things are changing quickly in Newport Beach. Ryan considered a career as a sailor and we are uncertain if it was Johnny’s secret plan to get rid of him or if he was just tryin’ to be a bro. Seth and Summer unleash a plan that rivals only Oceans 13 in its level of convoludity. It’s Matt Ramsey and Taylor Townsend season baby.
Tune in for this and more as we go back in time to the height of Razr phones, ironic graphic tees, teeny tiny Louis Vuitton purses, and of course the DVD box sets that started it all. Welcome to the Podcast, bitch.
Reach us at cohenspod@gmail.com
Instagram @cohenspod
Find the gang:
Twitter at @Rayke, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Instagram at @rayked, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Leave us a review and mash that subscribe button. You know it’s what Sandy would do.
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Charlotte's Web (of LIES) (S3E3-E4)
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Join Ryan, Dylan, and Chelsea as they deep dive into early episodes of the seminal TV show of their high school years, The OC. Was Dean Hess’s face this punchable in Cruel Intentions, or is he just nailing the smarminess of this particular character? Does Harbor have enough of a student body to convincingly interpret South Pacific? Why the hell did the Coopers not invite their own daughter Caitlin to their wedding, and why the hell did the Nichols not invite Caleb’s daughters Hailey or Lindsay to the reading of his will? Wouldn’t it be reasonable to expect Charlotte to be better at the whole con artist thing if she has enough investment money to check into a fancy rehab? How hard did Tate break Dylan’s heart?
Tune in for this and more as we go back in time to the height of Razr phones, ironic graphic tees, teeny tiny Louis Vuitton purses, and of course the DVD box sets that started it all. Welcome to the Podcast, bitch.
Reach us at cohenspod@gmail.com
Instagram @cohenspod
Find the gang:
Twitter at @Rayke, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Instagram at @rayked, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Leave us a review and mash that subscribe button. You know it’s what Sandy would do.
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Shot Through the Heart, and You're to Blame (S3E1-E2)
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Join Ryan, Dylan, and Chelsea as they deep dive into early episodes of the seminal TV show of their high school years, The OC. Tensions are high in Newport as Trey’s fate remains uncertain and Kirsten buddies up with a shady new friend at rehab. Has Tate returned only to break our (okay, Dylan’s) heart? Did the dean like, intentionally want his hair to be the color of a Sun-In model? Is Sandy the most forgiving human on earth or does Julie just get a perma-pass for her wicked behavior? Also, we have two words for our fair listeners: TAYLOR. TOWNSEND.
Tune in for this and more as we go back in time to the height of Razr phones, ironic graphic tees, teeny tiny Louis Vuitton purses, and of course the DVD box sets that started it all. Welcome to the Podcast, bitch.
Reach us at cohenspod@gmail.com
Instagram @cohenspod
Find the gang:
Twitter at @Rayke, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Instagram at @rayked, @dylnrwn, and @triniwoodstock
Leave us a review and mash that subscribe button. You know it’s what Sandy would do.